Our Projects

Project Title: Qayyarah West Airfield
Location: Mosul, Iraq
Agency: USACE, Middle East District
Description: Qayyarah West Airfield’s runways were incapacitated due to thirty (30) craters resulting from precision bombing by American planes during both Gulf Wars: 13 craters were gouged out of the 2.2 miles (3.5 km) long main strip, and another 30 impact craters destroyed surrounding runways and lesser airstrips; some of the craters reached 30 feet in depth, and 120 feet in diameter.
Project Responsibility: Project management / Platoon Leader duties necessary to repair twenty-three (23) craters included coordinating with Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) units to remove and properly dispose of unexploded ordinance. Once cleared, the debris backfill method was used. The subgrade was compacted to 95%, and rebar was installed. The concrete mix for the final layer was delivered by the host nation in ready-mix trucks. A roller tamper was used to establish a uniform surface finish, culminating with a bull float and broom finish. The runway repairs were certified for landings of aircraft C-17 and below.
Project Value: approximately $6.2M

Project Title: Hurricane Ike Debris Removal
Location: Galveston, Texas
Agency: USACE, Galveston ( partnered with Ceres Environmental Services, Inc.)
Description: Hurricane Ike, a category 2 hurricane, hit the area of Galveston, TX on September 13, 2008. Ceres Environmental Services, Inc. was contracted by the USACE in Galveston counties of Harris and Chambers to clear roadways for emergency vehicle access. Ceres Environmental Services, Inc. was also contracted to load and haul hurricane debris from area right-of-ways.
Project Responsibility: Project management tasks necessary to facilitate subcontractors loading and hauling hurricane debris in areas that were located between Galveston and Houston, Texas.
Project Value: $75K

Project Title: Dispersal Barrier I Site Preparation W912P6-12-C- 0021
Location: Romeoville, Illinois
Agency: USACE, Chicago ( partnered with SYTE Corp.)
Description: SYTE and /or SYTE Subcontractors provided all necessary labor, services, tools, supplies, materials and equipment to provide the following: clearing and grubbing, site grading, construction of the permanent road starting from the end of the Barrier 2B building to the end of the Demo Barrier Building with the curb and gutters, installation of the ground water well and 3 holes each 12-14 inch in diameter for the parasitic structure cables, installation of the site lighting on the West side of the canal including light for emergency pad, and installation of cast-in-place sidewalk and electrical duct bank with embedded electrical conduits on the west side of the canal.
Project Responsibility: Project management and Quality Control tasks necessary to manage and facilitate well drilling rock hole drilling, electrical duct bank construction, installation of electrical handhole box(s), installation of electrical light pole(s), installation of concrete sidewalk with railing and chain link fence relocation.
Project Value: $3,328,583.35

Project Title: Supplemental Water Storage Facility W912DR-11-C- 0028
Location: Fort Detrick, Maryland
Agency: USACE, Baltimore (partnered with FutureNet Group, Inc.)
Description: FutureNet Group and FutureNet Group Subcontractors provided all necessary labor, services, tools, supplies, materials and equipment to provide sizing, hydraulic analyses, location studies, cleaning and painting, improvements such as installation of safety devices and accesses, site permitting, construction administration services, and resident observation services.
Project Responsibility: Quality Control and Superintendent tasks necessary to manage and facilitate subcontractors performing masonry, plumbing, testing air balance (TAB) and sitework.
Project Value: $3,674,300

Project Title: Sandy Hook Maintenance Dredging W912DS-18-C- 0012
Location: Sandy Hook, New Jersey
Agency: USACE, New York (partnered with Weeks Marine)
Description: Weeks Marine mobilized and performed maintenance dredging of the Sandy Hook Channel and the Main Ship Channel in the lower New York Harbor. The work included removing up to approximately 400,000 cubic yards of material from the Federal channels to remove critical shoals and maintain the authorized channel dimensions, thereby assuring safe and economical use of the Sandy Hook and Main Ship Channels by commercial shipping interests.
Project Responsibility: Quality Control tasks necessary to facilitate performance of maintenance dredging of the Sandy Hook Channel and the Main Ship Channel in the lower New York Harbor.
Project Value: $3,674,300

Project Title: Design-Build Running Track W912QR18F0516
Location: Homestead AFB, Florida
Agency: USACE, Louisville ( partnered with S.E. Cherokee Construction )
Description: S.E. Cherokee Construction and /or S.E. Cherokee Construction’s subcontractors provided all necessary labor, services, tools, supplies, materials and equipment to provide the following: clearing and grubbing, site grading, solar panel relocation, construction of a regulation asphalt and rubber running track, construction of a sod / seed combination infield with a permanent irrigation system, and installation of cast-in-place sidewalk.
Project Responsibility: Project Management, Quality Control and Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO) tasks necessary to manage and facilitate site work construction (soil testing and safety processes), running track construction (soil, asphalt and rubber material quality testing), facilitation of grass field with irrigation installation and concrete sidewalk installation.
Project Value: $1,612,795.00

Project Title: Renew Processing Rooms In EENT W91278-14-D-0082-0005
Location: Moncrief Army Community Hospital, Ft. Jackson, South Carolina
Agency: USACE, Mobile (partnered with Freeland Construction)
Description: Freeland Construction and Freeland Construction’s subcontractors provided all necessary labor, services, tools, supplies, materials and equipment to completely renovate and repair EENT rooms 3-15, 3-51, and 3-49. We replaced the exhaust fan for rooms 3-51 and 3-49. FCCI added 2 DDU’s, as well as, additional controls with test and balance of the system..
Project Responsibility: Project Operations Management and Quality Control tasks necessary to manage and facilitate room renovations and repairs / replacement of mechanical deficiencies. Additionally facilitate TAB work as needed.
Project Value: $4,000,000 SATOC (W91278-14-R-0066)

Project Title: Install Plate and Frame Exchanges W91278-14-D-0082-0006
Location: Moncrief Army Community Hospital, Ft. Jackson, South Carolina
Agency: USACE, Mobile (partnered with Freeland Construction)
Description: Freeland Construction and/or Freeland Construction’s subcontractors provided all necessary labor, services, tools, supplies, materials and equipment to install a cold plate heat exchanger for the purpose of energy savings at Building 4503 (Chiller Plant) and to extend the life of each chiller, as well as, lengthen the interval between required maintenance overhauls and repairs by decreasing amount of the chiller’s run time.
Project Responsibility: Project Operations Management and Quality Control tasks necessary to manage and facilitate chiller maintenance.
Project Value: Project Value: $4,000,000 SATOC (W91278- 14-R-0066)

Project Title: Repair Loading Dock 36C24418C0271
Location: Corporal Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center, Philadelphia. Pa Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs, Philadelphia
Description: Patrick & Partners provided all labor, transportation, materials, equipment, and supervision to self-perform repairs to the parking spaces in front of Building 1 loading dock. Relocated two existing light poles, including new concrete piers to a depth of 36” below grade, and relocated buried electric
cable. Existing concrete piers were excavated and relocated.
Project Responsibility: General Contractor self-performing tasks necessary to manage and facilitate removal and proper disposal of existing dirt / debris as shown above. Trimmed trees above work area as needed; Excavated one area 40’ x 25’ to extend existing storage box location. Formed and poured new 40’ x 25’ concrete pad, 6” thick, with #4 rebar mat on 12” centers; 4000 psi compressive strength concrete, and 3” slump. Installed new 6” stone base beneath the new concrete; Relocated two existing light poles, including new concrete piers to a depth of 36” below grade, and relocated buried electric cable; Formed and poured one new concrete curb along the West and North sides of the new concrete pad, to match existing.
Project Value: $49,450.00

Project Title: Philadelphia Construction Build Concrete Pad for Hazmat Trailer and Walkway 36C24418B0587
Location: Corporal Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA
Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs, Philadelphia
Description: Patrick & Partners provided all labor, transportation, materials, equipment, and supervision to self- perform the demolition of a storage shed, removal of its contents and installation of an 18 ft. X 20 ft. concrete slab and 75 ft. walkway behind building 15.
Project Responsibility: General Contractor self-performing tasks necessary to manage and facilitate demolition and proper disposal of existing emergency generator storage shed, including removal of the existing generator and concrete pad, 300 gallon fuel oil tank (Recovered oil and properly transferred oil to existing main generator tanks), electrical conduit and panels were preserved for future use. Removed all wiring back to building 15 electrical rooms. Removed the entire shed structure. Properly Disposed of debris; excavated as required to extend the remaining 15’ x 12’ concrete pad to a total size of 20’ x 18’. new concrete is 6” thick, with 4000 psi compressive strength and 3” slump, #4 rebar - 12” on center, installed 6” stone base beneath concrete pad extension; excavated as required for new concrete sidewalk; the concrete walkway extended from the new concrete pad south of the pad and turns 90 degrees to connect to the existing walkway between building 15 and building 5. The new walkway is approximately 80’ long.
Project Value: $31,985.00

Project Title: Energy Upgrades And Repairs Smart Barracks Bldg 9164 Kelly Hill W912dy21f0526
Location: Fort Benning, Georgia
Agency: USACE, Huntsville (subcontracted from Advanced Technology Logistics, Inc)
Description: The Facilities Repair and Renewal (hereafter referred to
as FRR) has a need for facilities maintenance and repair services for a SMART barrack initiative. Patrick & Partners provided all labor, transportation, materials, equipment, and supervision to self-perform replacement of showerheads, upgrades to drinking fountains, and construction of a new covered patio at the Kelly Hill Barracks Building 9164, Fort Benning, GA.
Project Responsibility: General Contractor self-performing tasks necessary to manage and facilitate seventy-two (72) Advance Shower Head Systems; installation of two (2) new electric water coolers to include a bottle filling station in the 1st floor lobby space. provide 53' x 20' concrete pad including the canopy frame and new canvas sunshade cover
Project Value: Project Value: 179,1950.00

Project Title: NiCad Batteries Replacement/Installation V A24817Q0880
Location: Lake Nona Orlando VA Medical Center, Florida
Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs, Orlando, Fl
Description: Patrick & Partners provided Project Management services included in managing the labor, material, tools, equipment and subcontractors necessary to replace eight (8) sets of UPS generator batteries.
Project Responsibility: Project Management and Quality Control tasks necessary to manage removal, re-installation and disposal of eight (8) sets of UPS generator batteries.
Project Value: $102,000.00

Project Title: Inspection and Testing Services for Fall Protection Anchoring
Location: Lake Nona Orlando VA Medical Center, Florida
Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs, Orlando, Fl
Description: OSHA requires that fall protection be provided at elevations of four feet in general industry workplaces, five feet in shipyards, six feet in the construction industry and eight feet in longshoring operations. In addition, OSHA requires that fall protection be provided when working over dangerous equipment and machinery, regardless of the fall distance.
Project Responsibility: P&P assisted in facilitating adherence to these essential safety mandates by providing inspection and testing services for fall protection anchoring. Additionally, P&P was contracted to correct all deficiencies discovered during the inspection.
Project Value: $34,000.00

Project Title: Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) W912DY-15-D- 0045 Location: Fort Benning, Georgia
Agency: USACE, Huntsville (partnered with Honeywell International)
Description: Honeywell International and / or Honeywell International’s subcontractors provided all necessary labor, services, tools, supplies, materials and equipment to provide a project scope of work and guaranteed cost savings for four (4) ECMs to enhance Fort Benning missions, improve operational reliability, and reduce energy consumption. Phase I consists of a fence-to-fence Energy Services Performance Contract (ESPC) encompassing more than 6.5M Square Feet (sf) across 228 buildings1, as requested by Fort Benning and U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville, (CEHNC). Future phases can include all Fort Benning facilities. These measures consisted of: UMCS (Utility Monitoring Control System;
Light Improvements; ; Building Envelope Modifications; and Energy/Utility Distribution Systems (Power Conditioning).
Project Responsibility: Project Management and Quality Control tasks necessary to facilitate, supervise and manage four (4) ECMs:
UMCS (Utility Monitoring Control System): Commission and verify upgraded controls including repair, calibration, replacement, and connection to new server.
Light Improvements: Ensure proper installation and operation of Light-emitting diode (LED) and lighting controls and occupancy sensors.
Building Envelope Modifications: Ensure proper weatherization, window film insulation and window upgrades Energy/Utility Distribution Systems (Power Conditioning): Ensure accurate installation of power conditioning device. Verify continued operation.
Project Value: $19,000,000